Belief in a bright future


Retinue Without Border (RWB) was conceived in 2016 by a group of passionate students living in Italy. Helping children in rather difficult circumstances was the main motivation. We wanted to take a step towards educational equity. In the same year, another group of students in Germany joined our team and formed the core of the association. The founding board started to write the code of conduct and establish the initial structure. Soon after, groups of students in various countries including Denmark, Sweden, the United States, Canada, the Netherlands, and Norway joined our mission.

In 2020, with tremendous effort, we officially registered Retinue Without Border in Denmark. We developed the infrastructure required for the association and created a website. Now, Retinue Without Border has 50 active volunteers and 6 distinct working groups who are collaborating to achieve RWB goals. We believe we must stand together beyond ethnicities, nationalities and beliefs and strive to provide equal opportunities and a brighter future for underprivileged children.

IMG 7246
Independent, popular, non-political and without borders


Short-term purposes

  • Improving educational infrastructure in cooperation with legal institutions which includes equipping and improving schools and libraries
  • Awarding scholarships and Support to underprivileged students
  • Support and empower low-income families to improve the educational status of their children

Long-term purposes

  • Creating high-yield and early returns workshops and job creation for the underprivileged people
  • Extending the target community to the whole world

Temporary purposes

  • Relief and rapid action in case of natural disasters such as floods and earthquakes
  • Helping to rebuild educational infrastructure destroyed by natural disasters
Where we will arrive


RWB is striving to take small yet effective steps in various areas such as improvement of the educational infrastructure, indirect financial aid in the form of scholarships or grants for creating workshops, as well as direct financial aid to underprivileged families. We want to realize this goal by constructing or refurbishing the infrastructure in the under-developed areas. These target infrastructure includes schools, libraries, water supply to schools and temporary housing (conex boxes) in small and remote villages. We want to eliminate all the challenges that impede students from continuing education by providing hardware such as books, stationery, clothes, educational aids, etc. Providing scholarships and collaborating with other institutes are among other ways by which we can remove these obstacles. We strongly believe that education has an important role in eradicating poverty and creating sustainable growth. We believe that the NGOs have an immense power in accomplishing this objective and we aspire to create a better world.

Supporting Underprivileged Children2223333
Financial supporting of families in need0113333
Construction, improvement and equipping of educational infrastructure0113333
Special support in case of natural disasters0222222
Empowerment through education and job creation0001122
0: No action done
1: Identification and study phase
2: Limited progress
3: Continuous and scalable progress
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