♥ Together Without Border ♥

Back to School 2022 Campaign

Fundraising status

♥️ Total donations of €0 from 0 donors from 0 countries ♥️

Data is updated on a daily basis.

Campaign ends in


Donation Form

Family pana 2

Thank you all! The total budget required for this campaign has been fully met. A comprehensive report will be published in the near future.


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Campaign at a glance

Education of the unprivileged students

Activity area

18,000 EUR

Required Budget


Type of support


Current status

Lorestan, Fars, Kermanshah, Zanjan & South Khorasan Provinces

Geographical Focus

Borujerd Prison affairs organization, Mosbate Zendegi Rehabilitation Center, Mehregan Association & Education (and Training) Administration

Partner organization

1118 students


1 Month

Project duration

September 2022

Fundraising period

Description of campaign causes

Low-income families often have problems with providing their children with sufficient support which is needed for them to stay in school. Purchasing items such as textbooks, stationery and clothing items can become a challenge. As a result, some of these children are forced to give up on going to school and start working from an early age. In the back-to-school campaign 2022, we will focus on providing 1118 children with financial aid for purchasing stationery and/or textbooks. These children are based in 6 different provinces and were also supported by RWB during the last school year (for more information about the back-to-school campaign 2021 see here.) Due to the record high inflation rate and rise of unemployment after covid and correspondingly decreased or loss of income for many families, the urgency of financially supporting them has become even more critical. This is to ensure that their children will remain in school. All stationery/textbooks will be purchased before the first day of school. Project supervisors carefully calculate the required funds for each project within the back-to-school campaign 2022 after alignment with RWB’s operating committee. The calculations were done by taking into account the children’s needs and the availability of resources at different project locations. Project supervisors are locally present in each province where this year’s back-to-school campaign will be performed.

The budget required for each cause has been calculated after numerous expert meetings with the project implementers based on different criteria, including the level of deprivation, needs, priorities and access to resources in the cities where it is implemented.

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