♥ Together Without Border ♥

Back-to-School 2023 Campaign

Fundraising status

♥️ Total donations of €0 from 0 donors from 0 countries ♥️

Data is updated on a daily basis.

Campaign ends in


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Family pana 2

Thank you all! The total budget required for this campaign has been fully met. A comprehensive report will be published in the near future.


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Campaign at a glance

Education of the unprivileged students

Activity area

12,700 Euro

Required Budget


Type of support


Current status

South Khorasan, Kermanshah, Zanjan, and Lorestan

Geographical Focus

Mosbat Sabz Welfare Center, Mehrgharib and Mehrgan charities, Borujerd Prisoners Affairs Department, South Khorasan Education Department

Partner organization

1188 people


1 Month

Project duration

September 2023

Fundraising period

Description of campaign causes

Last two years during the back to school campaigns (Mehraneh 1401 & Mehraneh 1400) the same group of students were supported. This year, we continue to extend our support to make sure that they stay in school and continue on the right path.

Low-income families often have problems with providing their children with sufficient support which is needed for them to stay in school. Purchasing items such as textbooks, stationary and clothing items can become a challenge. As a result, some of these children are forced to give up on going to school and to start working from an early age.

In the back to school campaign 2023, we will focus on providing 1188 children with financial aid for purchasing stationery and other required items for starting the new school year. RWB is collaborating with charitable organizations in the targeted provinces. RWB will closely monitor the progress and the local organizations will keep RWB updated. The budget allocation to each local organization is predetermined based on detailed meetings and agreements within RWB. According to the finalized budget RWB will transfer funds to the official bank accounts of the partners. The local partner will take further steps to procure and distribute items based on a predefined purchase list. The local support organizations will procure materials through known suppliers. This streamlined approach will save money for RWB and our local partners. Consequently, this will ensure the maximum number of children can be supported.

The cost calculation criteria are based on specific needs, immediate priorities, and access to resources. The decision criteria are based on extensive consultations with project executors in the target areas. That is the reason behind different costs in different provinces.

In this cause 30 students will be supported. The cost calculation criteria are based on specific needs, immediate priorities, and access to resources. After extensive consultations with project executors in Zanjan, the total funds required for this project is estimated to be €657. As some of the students in Zanjan have medical needs, additional support as per requirement of each student will be provided. Stationery (and other school related items) will be purchased for 30 students and will be provided to the students before the start of the new school year.

In this cause 383 students (123 girls and 98 boys in first and second level primary school and 77 girls and 85 boys in first and second level high school) will be supported. The cost calculation criteria are based on specific needs, immediate priorities, and access to resources. After extensive consultations with project executors in Lorestan, the total funds required for this project is estimated to be €2375. Stationery (and other school related items) will be purchased for 30 students and will be provided to the students before the start of the new school year.

In this cause 500 students (232 girls and boys in first and second level primary school and 267 girls and boys in first and second level high school) will be supported. The cost calculation criteria are based on specific needs, immediate priorities, and access to resources. After extensive consultations with project executors in South Khorasan, the total funds required for this project is estimated to be €5475. Stationery (and other school related items) will be purchased for 500 students and will be provided to the students before the start of the new school year.

In this cause 275 students (130 girls and 145 boys in first and second level primary school) will be supported. The cost calculation criteria are based on specific needs, immediate priorities, and access to resources. After extensive consultations with project executors in South Khorasan, the total funds required for this project is estimated to be €5475. Stationery (and other school related items) will be purchased for 500 students and will be provided to the students before the start of the new school year.

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