♥ Together Without Border ♥

Yalda 2023 Campaign

Campaign progress status

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Campaign ends in


Donation form

Thank you all! The total budget required for this campaign has been fully met. A comprehensive report will be published in the near future.

Family pana 2

Campaign at a glance

Supporting Families in Need

Activity area


Required Budget


Type of support


Current status

Fars, Zanjan, Lorestan, and South Khorasan

Geographical focus

Broujerd Mehr-e-Gharib and Mosbat Sabz Welfare Association, and Education (and Training) Administration of South Khorasan

Partner organization

570 People


Three weeks

Project duration

December 2023

Fundraising period

Description of campaign causes

Detailed description and Necessity

From the perspective of RWB Charity, our charitable efforts extend beyond mere financial aid. Our dedicated volunteers are committed to preserving the dignity of those seeking help, recognizing the importance of addressing their mental and spiritual well-being alongside their physical and material needs.

As the longest night of the year approaches, Iranians have celebrated this dark night for millennia in the warm embrace of family, accompanied by sweets, pomegranates, and watermelons. This year, we aspire to share this joy and tranquility with families and children who have had support from the association throughout the last school year, creating a beautiful night for them and their families.

In previous years, with the generosity of our donors, the RWB Association has endeavored to warm the hearts of children covered and supported by the association. This year, our plan remains the same. We aim to celebrate Yalda night by providing food and fruit packages along with a book for the children.

Donors can participate with a minimum payment of 10 euros through the website portal, as done in the past. This contribution will cover the cost of one Yalda package for a family.

The estimated cost of this project is €6000, determined based on factors such as the level of deprivation, needs, priorities, and resource accessibility. Following the cause's approval, our local connections will make general purchases through trusted local businesses, ensuring optimal use of the budget while supporting the local economy.

This campaign will be implemented in the form of 4 causes in different provinces of Iran.

Cause #1: South Khorasan Province
Geographical focus Khosf
Description 500 packages of food (pasta, soybeans, beans, oil, tomato sauce, chicken, packages of chocolates, pomegranate fruit) and one book
Supporting 500 families
Required Budget €5210
Cause #2: Fars Province
Geographical focus Shiraz
Description 20 packages of food (minced meat, pasta, soy, Tomato Sauce, fruit, snacks for children, toothbrush) and books
Supporting 20 families
Required Budget €265
Cause #3: Zanjan Province
Geographical focus Zanjan
Description 30 packages of food (pasta, soy, beans, liquid oil, tomato sauce, chicken, package of chocolates, pomegranate fruit) and one children book
Supporting 30 families
Required Budget €310
Cause #4: Lorestan Province
Geographical focus Borujerd
Description Dinner, Nuts and Fruits on Yalda night for children supported by Mehr-e-Gharib association and one children book
Supporting 20 children + Staff
Required Budget €215
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