♥ Together Without Border ♥

Financing the purchase of clothes for the children living in dysfunctional families

Cause information at a glance

Child education
Activity area
24 میلیون تومان
Approved budget
Type of support
Current status
Lorestan province
Geographical focus
Social Service of Borujerd Prison
Partner organization
300 people
1 month
Project duration
March 2021
Begin date
March 2021
Completion date
Detailed cause information
The information provided below is only an overview of the project. To get the updates on the project process and its details please refer to the final project report.
Cause summary

In this project, which was carried out in March 2020, shoes were purchased for 300 students in the rural area of Borujerd county. These children live in families in which the father is in a prison and therefore the financial resources of the family are impacted adversely.

Detailed description

With the Iranian new year approaching, most of the families celebrate it by wearing new clothes, especially the children. In this project, shoes for 300 students were purchased. These students live in families with financial constraints because the father of the family is in jail. Providing the children new shoes as a new year gift is both financially and emotionally supportive and hopefully brings them some happiness.

Identifying these students and their families was done by the “assistant department of Borujerd prison” and with great help of individual donors and local shop owners, high quality shoes were purchased with at decent prices.

It is noteworthy that most of the students supported in this project also received support in form of clothes and shoes purchased under the 2019 “Back-to-school” and “Persian new year” campaigns. 



Since these children live in families which have difficulties to even provide for their basic needs, most likely they do not have the luxury of buying new clothes to celebrate the new year. Hopefully a new pair of shoes as a small new year gift brings some happiness to these children.

Approach and monitoring

In this project a great help was received from the local stores and individuals to purchase shoes with decent quality and price from the Boroujerd local market. 

Cause focus points

It is noteworthy that the children supported in this project were identified by the “assistant department of Borujerd prison”. Additionally, in line with our attempt to provide a continuous support to our targeted group of children, most of these 300 students who received the new year gift also received financial support to purchase new clothes under 2019 “Back-to-school” and “Persian new year” campaign.

Type and magnitude of aid

The budget allocated for this project was 240 million IRR to purchase 300 pairs of shoes.

Cause's progress

The required budget for this project is provided from the budget of campaign 2019.

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